20 September 2010

Illustrator text style ==> how to envelope text with object

I was thinking how to make my text align and embed to my object. After learning through I found some great and easy making you because you are my great reader who will leave me a thanks comment.

Let's start up your Illustrator and download this fish image just only click on it and download.

Press P for a Pen Tool and draw it like image below
Press T for Text to type then push this text behind of all layer.
Select both object and got to object menu ==> Envelope Distort ==> Make With Top Object (Ctrl + Alt + C)
Here result after envelope text and color it. You also can color it in one time when you have group it. Do the same to the other object of fish body.
Here is a final result.

How do you think about this trick. Good, Better, Best or Worth kinkdly comment below and subscribe to my comment then when ever new comment and reply from me you will able to get it faster. I hope you all enjoy and share....